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How to install Ufs older driver

1. Make sure your UFSx device is connected to your PC.
2. Right click "My Computer" and "select Manage"
3. Click "Universal Serial Bus controllers"
4. Right click "UFSx Device, (c) SarasSoft" and select "Uninstall"
5. Right click your computer name at the top of the list and select "Scan for hardware changes"
6. When the Hardware Wizard opens, Select "No, not this time" and then Click "Next"
7. Select "Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)" and then Click "Next"
8. Make sure "Search for the driver in these locations" is selected, "Search removable media ..." is deselected and "Include this location in the search:" is selected
9. Click "Browse" and either:-
for x86 Windows - C:\Program Files\SarasSoft\UFS\UFS_USB_Driver\OLD
for x64 Windows - C:\Program Files (x86)\SarasSoft\UFS\UFS_USB_Driver\OLD
10.Click "Next", click "Continue anyway" to any messages and then "Finish"
You have now installed the old driver, when you run UFS_Panel, you should see these driver versions:-
Versions: Ufs2xx.dll 3.1.19, Ufs2xx.sys 2.6.0
if you see
Versions: Ufs2xx.dll 3.2.7, Ufs2xx.sys 2.8.30
then you are still using the latest drivers and you should try the above process again.

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